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Mass Casualty Incidents
Utilizing data from live-actor mass-casualty incident simulations (motor vehicle accidents and mass shootings) we explore how leadership and team dynamics influence performance (e.g., lives saved).
Sadly, the news includes frequent reminders of why this work is important.
Virtual Teams
In collaboration with the Center for Creative Leadership, we are studying teamwork paradoxes in virtual teams from across the world.
Interested in helping virtual teams effectively tackle their most pernicious problems? Us too.
Complex Teams &
Novel Organizational Forms
Contemporary teams are operating in an increasingly complex and dynamic world, which has inspired a variety of new ways of working together (e.g., multiteam systems).
We explore the characteristics and connections within these forms to understand how they are different and why those differences matters for managers.
Mutual Shaping &
Morphing in Teams
In today's workplaces, teams aren't usually simple and stable - rarely do the exact same set of people working together on the same set of tasks day in and day out. Teams morph and shift.
We investigate how to optimize the processes associated with those changes.